Sheshenq I

Sheshenq I Sheshenq the First…a king who puzzled people during his life and after his death. He was an Amazigh; he was not from Algeria. He was not from Algeria. He was a Libyan, and Jeddah, the Greater Boyu Wawa, the Libyan, immigrated to Egypt and became an Egyptian. Five generations took over the rule […]

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Throne Chairs and Ceremonies for the Golden King Tutankhamun

Throne Chairs and Ceremonies for the Golden King Tutankhamun 1.Throne Chair of the Golden King Tutankhamun The throne of Tutankhamun was made of wood covered with gold and silver and decorated with semi-precious stones and colored glass. The queen is represented on the pedestal, as she anoints the king with perfume while the sun’s Aten […]

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Souls of Nekhen and Souls of Bhutto.

Souls of Nekhen and Souls of Bhutto. In a time deep in the foot. Before the earth’s formationEarth the souls of the eternal kings of Egypt lived in the stars. Before it descends to EarthEarthule it. The ancient Egyptians had two very important centres: Nekhen, in southern Egypt, is the capital of Upper Egypt And […]

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Thutmose III.

welcome Stand up, and I will recite you my story and my biography. Arise and show respect; you are in the presence of the first emperor in human history. I am the conqueror; I am the owner of glory, immortality and power; I am the father of empires; I am the greatest ruler of Egypt […]

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The ivory headrest of King Tutankhamun

The ivory headrest of King Tutankhamun What does the artist mean here? Is it really king Tutankhamun? What does the concept of beauty mean for the ancient Egyptians?! Famous Colombian writer Garcia Marquez says: The picture is a beautiful story with thousands of words… The ancient Egyptian civilization is the source of images and art, […]

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The puzzle disappearance of the erect penis for Pharaoh Tut Ankh Amun.

The puzzle disappearance of the erect penis for Pharaoh Tut Ankh Amoun. When unpacked by the Mummy for the first time by the Cemetery Howard Carter, the first images were already present and then rewarded. Enough again The scientific secretariat says that the mummy was in a bad state of conservation. Still, she was kept […]

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king “Khufu

The only statue found for the king “Khufu,  owner of the greatest pyramid, is a small statue of ivory that does not exceed 7.5 cm. This little statue was found by the British World” Flinders Petri “in” Abidos “in Sohag in 1903 .. and represented King Khufu The crown of the Red North .. and […]

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Dier el Bahari of Queen Hatshepsut psut

 Dier el Bahari of Queen Hatshepsut psut The name is Queen Hatshepsut of Ammon Hatshepsut, and her name means Amun’s daughter, Dora of the princesses or Amun’s favourite, over women. She is considered the fifth in the chain of the eighteenth dynasty kings, and she received the ruling after the death of her husband, King […]

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The tomb of King Ramses the Sixth

The tomb of  King Ramses VI Tomb  No. 9 in the Original Valley was originally dedicated to the burial of Mummy King Ramses V, but King Ramses VI was entirely had taken it for himself. All the contents of the tomb were stolen in the era of King Ramses XI by tombs thieves, The granite […]

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The tomb of Siti, the first father of Ramses the second in the Valley of the Kings

The tomb of Siti, the first father of Ramses the second in the Valley of the Kings, is one of the most beautiful royal tombs sunk in great depth and drawings and murals pulsating colour with Pharaonic charm; the modern era is unable to decipher the multiple tales of his knowledge of art and architecture […]

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