Tomb of Queen Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt

Tomb of Queen Nefertari in Luxor, Egypt First: Who does not know who Queen Nefertari is? Nefertari is one of the most famous Egyptian queens throughout history, such as Queen Hatshepsut and Queen Nefertiti, as she was one of the most important and famous wives of King “Ramses II”, the greatest king of the nineteenth […]

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Elephantine Island, Aswan, Egypt

Elephantine Island, Aswan, Egypt Elephantine Island is one of Egypt’s Nile islands, located in the city of Aswan, with an area of ​​about 1500 meters in length from north to south and 500 meters in width. Its height is about 12 meters, and the population of this island is 5800 people, the vast majority of […]

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