The Orion’s belt and the true age of the pyramids

The Orion’s belt and the true age of the pyramids In 1979, while a civil engineer of Belgian origin, born in Alexandria, named Robert Bauval, was waiting at Heathrow Airport in London for the time his plane to take off to go to his workplace in Sudan, he purchased a book entitled “The Sirius Mystery” […]

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The Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha

The building’s name: The Great Mosque of Muhammad Ali Pasha Location/City: The mosque is located in the northwest corner inside the Citadel of Salah al-Din. It overlooks the city of Cairo from above, and its majestic minarets can be seen from every point in the city, Cairo, Egypt. Building History: 1265 AH / 1848 AD […]

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The Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It contains the largest collection of antiquities of ancient Egypt, rivalled by the British Museum, the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum (New York). The Egyptian Museum has been located in Tahrir Square in the heart of Cairo since 1906. The museum exhibition contains 136 thousand Pharaonic antiquities, in addition to […]

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The Egyptian museum is located in the heart of the Egyptian capital “Cairo”

The Egyptian museum is located in the heart of the Egyptian capital “Cairo” on the northern side of Tahrir Square. This museum is considered one of the first museums globally specifically established as a public museum, unlike the museums that preceded it. Work in the museum began during the reign of Khedive Abbas Helmy II […]

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The Egyptian Museum in Cairo

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. It contains the largest collection of antiquities of ancient Egypt, rivalled by the British Museum, the Louvre and the Metropolitan Museum (New York). The Egyptian Museum has been located in Tahrir Square in the heart of Cairo since 1906. The museum exhibition contains 136 thousand Pharaonic antiquities, in addition to […]

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The sundial in ancient Egypt

A stone block of alabaster, which is called a sundial to know the time of day in ancient Egypt, where this piece is of the type that tells us to measure the time of day depending on the extension of the shadow and the angle of the direction of the shadow, as it is a […]

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Abdeen Palace

Abdeen Palace Despite the passage of 140 years since the construction of Abdeen Palace, it is still lofty as an eyewitness to all the significant historical and political events that affected the course of things and turned the tide of history, starting with the demands of the nation at the hands of Ahmed Orabi in […]

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First-class original saffron

The original saffron It is possible to test and check the quality of the product before receiving it. The dear one wishes it. Saffron. Like honey, to reach these threads, you need 75 thousand flowers. What is the rest of the story of saffron? The active substance with antioxidants makes it a very powerful source […]

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The first prosthetic limb in history from ancient Egypt It dates back more than 3500 years

The first prosthetic limb in history from ancient Egypt It dates back more than 3500 years

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The ancient Egyptian engineer

The ancient Egyptian engineer was not satisfied with using huge stones of solid granite. Still, rather he carved the corners of the sacred buildings in the same stone and alternately interlocked them to connect two walls at a right angle, where the corners are the weakest points of the wall.. to give solidity and guarantee […]

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