Roman numerals

Roman numerals are an ancient numbering system that was once widely used in the world, thanks to the Roman Empire, after which the numbers are named. In daily life, everyone must have encountered Roman numerals at least once, perhaps on a clock or in the name of a movie or video game. Although Roman numerals […]

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Brooklyn Papyrus

“Brooklyn Papyrus” historians and Egyptologists refer to “Brooklyn Papyrus” as a “papyrus for snake bites.” The papyrus was discovered in the ancient city of Heliopolis, which is now known as Ain Shams. In 1889, the American journalist Charles Edwin Wilbour purchased it. In the 1930s, Wilbour’s daughter, Theodora, donated the papyrus to the Brooklyn Museum […]

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The Temple of Dendera: Mystery of Egypt’s Astronomy

The Temple of Dendera: Mystery of Egypt’s Astronomy Drawings of the galaxy and planets in the Temple of Dendera How did the ancient Egyptians do it? When you visit the Temple of Dendera in Qena Governorate and enter the main shrine of the temple, you will stand amazed at the secrets contained in the temple, including a […]

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The Rose of Love: Discovering the Beauty of Ancient Egyptian Love and Devotion

The Rose of Love: Discovering the Beauty of Ancient Egyptian Love and Devotion This statue depicts a husband and wife from our ancestors over 4500 years ago. I won’t talk about the wife’s beautifully intricate hairstyle and braids, or her linen dress with long, tight sleeves and a pleated pelisse bodice, which was ahead of its time. […]

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Mystery of Bin Bin’s Pyramid- The Black Magnetic Pyramid

Bin Bin’s Pyramid- The Black Magnetic Pyramid One of the miracles of the ancient Egyptians Tutankhamun‘s meteorite dagger, or celestial stone necklace, wasn’t the only thing ancient Egyptians made of meteorites; archaeological astronomy indicates. Bin Bin’s pyramid has puzzled scientists for thousands of years, and they solved the mystery after they ascended into space several […]

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Medicinal Recipes Discovered by The Ancient Egyptians

Medicinal recipes discovered by the Ancient Egyptians Where the ancient Egyptians discovered treatment with herbs and plants before others of the ancients, as remnants of them were found inside their tombs, in addition to mentioning them in many medical papyri, as they were painted on the walls of temples and tombs, so what is now […]

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The Orion’s belt and the true age of the pyramids

The Orion’s belt and the true age of the pyramids In 1979, while a civil engineer of Belgian origin, born in Alexandria, named Robert Bauval, was waiting at Heathrow Airport in London for the time his plane to take off to go to his workplace in Sudan, he purchased a book entitled “The Sirius Mystery” […]

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The Role of Egyptian Mathematics and Science in Constructing the Great Pyramid

The Role of Egyptian Mathematics and Science in Constructing the Great Pyramid Each stone in the pyramid weighs anything from 2 to 15 tonnes. Over 2,300,000 square meters of stone were used to construct the pyramids. The heaviness of the King’s Chamber’s granite stone ceiling It was so massive and heavy that even experts could […]

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Ancient Egyptian music

Ancient Egyptian music Scenes and inscriptions depicting musicians and dancers playing or participating in religious ceremonies attest that the Ancient Egyptians had a music appreciation as early as the Old Kingdom. Many different types of wind, string, and percussion instruments were known to the ancient Egyptians. Numerous ancient Egyptian musical instruments, including the oud, oboe, […]

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Horemheb, the king who has been forgotten

Horemheb, the king who has been forgotten The fact that many other great people emerged from Egypt and accomplished even more means we cannot label him as the country’s greatest leader. That Horemheb was an integral part of Egyptian civilization is an understatement. He was a true son of Egypt and remained faithful to her […]

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