The Genius of the Ancient Egyptian Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest and most famous organized civilizations, and its history extends over seven thousand years.
The ancient Egyptians were among the first civilizations to know the industry. And they have many important inventions and innovations that predate humanity. Such as
1. Toothpaste.
The toothpaste that we use today was that the ancient Egyptians had invented a form of toothpaste using a set of ingredients (crushed hooves, burnt eggshell and ashes)
There is also another recipe written on a sheet of papyrus in the Austrian National Museum, where the toothpaste consisted of one drachma of salt (a single drachma one minute weight that was used by the ancient Egyptians equal to 3.75 grams), two drachmas of lily and twenty drachmas of black pepper and grind They mix well with iris.
2. The fridge
It is considered the first refrigerator globally with a distinctive crater; it is more than three thousand years old.
It was used to heat water or boil herbs, then pour them hot into drinking cups and a welding position, and this is the first welding point in history.
The fridge is made of pure silver from Tanis in a nautical face.
3. The scissors.
The ancient Egyptians invented the scissors about 3500 years ago. The image is of scissors decorated with images of the ancient Egyptian gods, and it is made of bronze.
4. Chicken container.
A container or wooden box in the form of chickens from the era of the Eighteenth Dynasty. It was used to store the chickens presented as offerings inside them to keep them inside the cemetery.
It was found in the tomb of a nobleman buried in the Al-Asasif cemetery on the western mainland in Luxor, kept in the Metropolitan Museum.
5. Headrest.
The headrest is considered one of the pieces of furniture and was designed to occupy the space between the head and neck of the sleeper who lies on his side and is used from the Third Dynasty until the Late Period. And the headrest was made of stone or wood.
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