Ancient Egyptian music

Ancient Egyptian music Scenes and inscriptions depicting musicians and dancers playing or participating in religious ceremonies attest that the Ancient Egyptians had a music appreciation as early as the Old Kingdom. Many different types of wind, string, and percussion instruments were known to the ancient Egyptians. Numerous ancient Egyptian musical instruments, including the oud, oboe, […]

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The opening of the mouth of the deceased.

It is stated that this marvelous piece was also used to cut the umbilical cord after birth and to open the mouth of the deceased. The ritual’s purpose was to awaken the dead man’s senses, including his mouth, eyes, and hearing so that he could put them to use in the hereafter by reviving the […]

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Colours in ancient Egypt

Colours in ancient Egypt The Egyptian artist used colours that contained a lot of multi-grades that he extracted from the oxides of natural minerals. The Egyptian artist was not satisfied with what he was getting from natural materials imported from the Arabs, but also added many industrial coloured materials, the most famous of which are […]

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 The art of the Old Kingdom

 The art of the Old Kingdom Royal and private sculpture and wall paintings and reliefs reflected the concepts of art that served the cult of the gods, the kings, and the dead. In royal statuary, traditional poses are combined with romantic features. The sculpture was designed to depict royalty as physically strong with softened features, […]

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Senenjim tomb

Senenjim tomb A cemetery was found intact and was not stolen by thieves, neither in the ancient nor modern era. The beauty of its constant colours for more than 3000 years Makes you feel like it’s painted in the morning Already built for immortality Senengem lived during the nineteenth dynasty. During the reign of King […]

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Meriruka Tomb

Meriruka Tomb The largest tombs of ancient Egypt Consists of 31 rooms for him, his wife and his son He was a minister in a critical historical era Where he was the minister of King Teti, the founder of the Sixth Dynasty The second man in the state after the king The beginning of the […]

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“The Origin of Sculpture”

“The Origin of Sculpture” The ancient Egyptians were thinking of something that would prevent the annihilation of the dead, so they believed that mummified corpses engulf the soul to some extent. A time will come, and it will dissolve in this corpse, and the spirit will dissolve with it, and their future lives will die. […]

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The secret of presenting the left foot over the right in all the statues of the ancient Egyptians 

The secret of presenting the left foot over the right in all the statues of the ancient Egyptians Egyptologists have worked hard to explain the position of the left leg in the statues. All statues, or 99% of the statues of the ancient Egyptians, look to meet the man from the north. It is the […]

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The ancient Egyptians Christmas tree

The ancient Egyptians Christmas tree A wonderful view from the cemetery of Sanandajem depicting Sanandajem and his wife Kneeling in front of the goddess Nut, the symbol of heaven who has just taken the shape of a tree, and presents them with gifts The scene has a symbolic meaning, as it says that we will […]

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The hoopoe of the ancient Egyptians and the hoopoe of Solomon, peace be upon him,

The hoopoe of the ancient Egyptians and the hoopoe of Solomon, peace be upon him, Al-Saffouri said in the book Nuzha al-Majalis when Suleiman sent the hoopoe to Bilqis with his message, the birds said to him. How do you go alone? He said: Whoever was with him, in the name of God, the Most […]

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