What was the population of Egypt in ancient times?
Our only source is the book in the Greco-Roman period
Diodorus Sicilian says the population has reached 7 million
They lived in 18,000 villages, hamlets and cities
But in the era in which he lived, it was only 3 million
The numbers suggested by archaeologists range from 2 million to 9 million
Most likely, the population was changing
According to the succession of wars or epidemics
Or periods of prosperity, decay, and drought
The figure of 9 million is close to the population of Egypt in 1900
The population has increased in successive booms in the last century
The miracle is that the fertile Nile Valley and Delta
They can still feed the bulk of the 100 million
Which is several times the population of ancient Egypt
Photo from Cemetery and Serhat in Luxor
What was the population of Egypt in ancient times?
December 13, 2021
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