“Holy water lily” or “Nilover lotus” or “Egyptian white water lily”
They are all her names…and more; Do not be surprised!
When you read its ancient history, you will discover the secret of the many names of this flower.. it has been the ancient lady of flowers throughout the ages.
The lotus flower, the Greeks called it “lotaz”, and symbolizes beauty and love.
While the ancient Egyptians called each colour a name of its own, the white is “Sushan”, and this name is the origin of the names “Susan” and “Susan”; The blue one is said or serbti, and the pink one is toast, or we love.
It was revered all over the world, and no flower was as valuable as this wonderful flower, being cultivated more than 2500 years BC;
During his visit to Egypt in the fifth century AD, Herodotus described it as a type of water lily called the lotus, and it was grown for the taste of its sweet roots and dried flowers..which were ground with make bread.
The lotus was not only a decorative element on the walls of the ancient Egyptian temples, but it was the title of creation for him, and it was also offered as an offering on the altars of the gods.
She adorned the ancient Egyptian, wore her in her jewellery, and entered into her fashion designs and the shape of mirrors, eyeliners, dishes, and utensils. Remains of them were found in the tomb of Ramses II.
One of the methods of meditation and serenity among the ancient Egyptians is to inhale the scent of the lotus flower, “inhaling the nectar of eternity,” because of its sweet smell.
So it was used to make perfume, so the ancients made of it
Royal perfumes and powders
Cosmetics and skin ointments contain an analgesic, are antispasmodic, and have a strange ability to heal infections; Lotus flower oil has a magical effect on improving the body’s immunity.
It was presented to guests and visitors as a greeting to them… It was a symbol of beauty and purity.
It blooms from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn; it grows still freshwater; Its opening lasts from early morning until dawn, and its petals close in the afternoon.. and remain closed all night.. for four days only. After that, the petals fall off, and in their place, a green pulp pod appears. The ancient Egyptian linked it to the resurrection and transfiguration.
We see it in the temple of “Amun-Ra” in Karnak; the inner pillars of the temple are all crowned.
Open lotus shape, and the outer columns with closed lotus.
They also appeared in the Assyrian decorations since the first millennium BC; It headed west to Syria and Greece in the seventh century BC. It remained present in ancient art until the Mongol invasion.. where it was absent for a long time.
Then it returned in the thirteenth century AD, coming from China and eastern North America, western Asia, and Australia.
Its huge leaves have a diameter of about six feet, and it can bear a weight of approximately 45 kg, and sometimes 60 kg, so tourists always try to get internal pictures while sitting inside these papers.
The scenes of inhaling the blue lotus flower on the walls of temples and tombs were not merely decorative; Rather, it is a meditation mode, similar to yoga. Research conducted on the Egyptian blue lotus flower has proven that it affects the human brain, leading to a state of mental relaxation, enabling the person to reach what is known as enlightenment.
She is a flower worthy of this prestigious position.