Pyramid of the Senky or Senki
In the village of Ghunaimiya, south of Abydos In the southeast of the King Ahmose group. It was built by King Huni, the last king of the Third Dynasty (2650 BC). The pyramid is graded and small in size mudbrick, and limestone was used to construct the pyramid, which is similar to a fort, 12 meters high and 7 meters thick. It was not used as a cemetery but rather. As a marker to define the boundaries of the centres of administration and worship in the Third Dynasty, and more than one pyramid was found like it in Elephantine, Hirakonpuloys and Cola. The pyramid’s importance is due to the discovery of the remains of the ascending roads around the pyramid of mud bricks.
The people believe that the pyramid is a sacred and blessed place. It is visited by the patient, the disabled, the child who is late in walking or talking, and whoever wants to marry or have children, and they put something belonging to the patient in the stone hole in the pyramid.
Unfortunately little information on this place.
Honey Pyramid
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