The owl In the ancient Egyptian civilization
In the Egyptian Jahotid cosmic civilization and philosophy, the owl was not represented in any of the nitro bodies due to its abundance and diversity .. it was represented in the hieroglyphic alphabet the letter M (m) in the form of an owl.
We also find that the owl is the most important symbol that was recorded in the first and most important name for Egypt, Kum (meaning the black earth, from which the name Copt was derived), so the owl was the most important symbol in the symbols of the word km.
The ancient Egyptian artist represented her with a side head. Broken feet … perhaps confirmation of an ancient mythical concept that the bird would not escape and keep it in the event of its return to life in the other world, and the owl was among the birds that mummified because of the Egyptian belief in its connection with the personable individual soul (Elba – ba) …
● The owl’s association with the letter Meem and the attributes of a safe (Ammon): –
So he found that the owl was associated with the letter m … which means a monologue to something hidden. When we say amin (amoun), the most character with a stretch in it and elongation is what ?? .. the meme was that our ancestors believed that the character of them and saw it as an unnatural force .. it means breaking a row of darkness in thought Creativity and anonymous spirit..these are safe qualities.
● Knowing the word philosophy of the owl: –
The owl was a symbol of wisdom, healing power and optimism safely … and the ability to search in the unknown and darkness (because the owl sees in the dark), and it is also a symbol of ambiguity because its voice comes out of its air without what moves its remains.
A mysterious voice was associated and used with the letter M, which means the definition of philosophy. Because philosophy as a word means searching in the dark … and since the owl does not begin to fly until after the night falls. This means that philosophy does not begin until after the actual reality is complete, and the process of its development ends, so philosophy comes to analyze this completed reality.
This idea was taken by the Greek civilization from Egypt and made the owl the god of wisdom and philosophy.
Owls form an essential link in Sama Tawei (which I discussed in detail in a previous article, please review). It maintains the balance in nature. The decrease in the number of owls will cause great damage to farmers and disasters that the mice may cause. This is happening now because of the small number of owls due to the random use of pesticides.
The existence of owls is an act of nature’s laws to preserve and balance them.
● The Meem character in the peace, music and inner harmony: –
If we look at the music ladder, we will find it as follows
Do. irrigation. Mei. Fa soo. No. s.
Du is the greatest and sees the meaning of Ra. And Mei means safe or amen (Amon) … So he found that Mei. It is the most important level in the music ladder…
The aim is considered the most characteristic character in which the chanter or chanter creates its output because it is so heavy that we find that he shakes his head strongly. In contrast, he shakes it because he feels the vibration of the layers of the air inside and outside to form an involuntary movement.
The music ladder is a simulation of the nitro system and the geometric shape of the five-pointed star because this geometric shape contains hidden concepts to communicate with the cosmic consciousness that follows the same geometric shapes.
This means that this geometric shape has a cosmic resonance in the natural world, thus harmonizing the energy of nature and the geometric form. This science was one of the secret sciences of the Egyptians, which they symbolized with the strongest cosmic form, which is the sloth of life.
And since we talked about the five-pointed star and the flower of life, we automatically entered under the system of the sun ratio (the golden ratio) … because it all flows in one source.
We also find a link between the musical property and the numerical values ​​according to the molar ratio (which I explained in the previous article in detail). In the sense that the use of a simple musical instrument made of a single string stretched on a piece of wood and through it showed that each sound quality is linked to a specific length on this string, explaining that we have in the musical instrument a tool that converts the numerical quantity into the sound quality and vice versa .. every musical instrument is based With this conversion.
● Who called the owl the word “bad and bad” .. ?? Why .. ??
The Arabs did not see the owl except as a symbol of ruin and a minister of pessimism. They did not look further than what appeared to them. This is a nocturnal, monstrous creature, making frightening noises, and therefore an evil symbol.
One of the Arab legends … that no dead person dies, nor a dead person who is killed without an owl emerging from his head, and if he was killed and not taken with revenge, the owl called over his grave. The Arabs looked at the owls as a pessimistic birds and were pessimistic about it.
I refer to him as an evil creature who goes around the night searching for its human victims. We find in the Bible, especially in the Torah, there are sixteen mentions of the bird, most of them hostile.
Where the owl was mentioned in the category of unclean, filthy food that should not be eaten … and we find some theologians have described it as a symbol of the Jews for their introversion and lack of adaptation to the peoples with which they live.
The owl turned into a symbol of doom because it was a symbol of fortune-tellers, sorcerers and magicians among the Greeks who were swindlers and tried to scare the kings to blackmail them.
In Africa, the alternative name for the owl is the magic bird. In parts of Nigeria, it is believed that magicians transform themselves into an owl at night, that the presence of an owl brings disease, and in Kenya, it is believed that the death of a person follows the appearance of an owl.
According to the ancient legend, in Asia, it is believed that owls ate and suckled newborns. In Australia, owls were the incarnation of the evil god who kills children and people.
● The Owl of other civilizations: –
Owls have received great attention in the beliefs of ancient civilizations; In the civilization of Babylon in Iraq four thousand years ago, we find a representation of a goddess who has the wings and feet of an owl, and it was represented with two owls surrounding her.
As for the Greeks, the owl was granted a special reverence. Because of its association with the goddess Athena, their sacred goddess of wisdom … Athena was found, and she carried a spear to scare the darkness shakespear. Then the owl and wisdom became two sides of the same coin, and it was represented on many ancient Greek coins and Greek ceramics, and even the Greeks considered Athena a totemic animal Able to bring them good luck.
Despite its association with the deity Minerva in ancient Rome, we find the people who maintained their belief that the owl is an evil creature or a symbol of death.
And Pliny the Great speaks in his book Natural History about the owl and says: If it is seen flying even over cities, or outside anywhere, then it does not bring good tidings, but it portends a terrible calamity.
In the ancient Americas and Africa, owls entered into many primitive religious beliefs that linked owls with totemic protection and appeared in many rituals and funeral ceremonies as faces of masks and heads of sceptres.
● So we take the owl as a symbol for the next stage of awareness of the Order of Haro (Burt Umm Haro) now: –
We always hear the sound of an owl clearly at night, but the sound of its wings is not heard when it flies and pounces on its prey.
This bird has the ability to see at night, and do we not need the eyes of the owl to be able to see in this darkness…? We consider that the eyes of the owl that see in the darkness are the eye of Harro (Horus), the eye of the mind and insight that sees the truth and distinguishes it, no matter what darkness, ignorance, and backwardness surround it, as it searches for awareness that comes only from heat and does not depend on what the naked eye sees from the ugliness of reality.
Then the owl pounces on mice and rats, and aren’t we trying to fight with thought and culture, rats of darkness, rats of backwardness, ignorance and extremism, and our precious Egypt will return as the land of God as it was? Finally, we need to be equipped with the wisdom and philosophy of the owl and consider it a symbol of this stage in which we are now living to be able, as much as possible, to think soundly and to analyze this chaos, terror, insignificance, lack of awareness, intellectual extremism and ignorance that openly surround us so that we can overcome it. Moreover, we, like owls, are subjected to insults, hate, and various types of material and symbolic violence on the part of the owners of the Bedouin traditional culture and by the opponents of the Jahotid cosmic philosophy, who are the trench of stagnation and stagnation who do not welcome any innovative or enlightening thought. Therefore, in order of all this, we have the right to take the owl as a symbol of wisdom and the current stage.