Woman, her position and role in ancient Egypt.
No ancient or modern people have guaranteed women a legal status similar indignity as the inhabitants of the Nile Valley has guaranteed them. So said Max Miller. And the scientist added, in a pantry, saying, “All the peoples of the world, east and west, seem to have gathered around one idea to make women a legally inferior being, except in Egypt, which presents us with different views that make them equal to men in all rights, and deals in the same way with men.”
Thus, historians and Egyptologists agreed that the woman in the Egyptian civilization was equal to the man and above all that she was the basis on which the rule of Egypt was transferred through her, whether she was the mother, the wife or the wife daughter. And even in inheritance, the inheritance was going in the line of the female, meaning that the sons inherited the mother, and this was a custom similar to the codified law, as he says, Diodore Al-Siqali.
This high status of women in ancient Egyptian society arose from the genesis of the religious faith itself. The woman had her role in the myths of the creation and emergence of the universe. There was also a god of air, Shu, Kant, Tefnut, his wife, the god of moisture. And as it was, Geb, the god of the earth, was the god of the sky, Nut, his wife. And as Isis was also the wife of the good god Osiris. Thus, we see that the creation myths were associated with the woman, and from here, the law of marriage and a sacred relationship arose. They called the wife the life partner. From here came the word, Hams, the hieroglyphic Hms meaning, husband, which means the companion, or it can be said that the word, Hamsi, means cohabitation, cohabitation, or coexistence is applied to spouses.
The position of women in the myths of creed made them equal to men in carrying messages, so the number of female idols was equal to the number of men, and the creed assigned to each deity their duties. There was a female idol, Hathor, his goddess of music and motherhood. And the Lord of science, arts, and architecture. And Maat his Lord truth and justice. Isis for beauty and magic. And his master embraced the waters of the Nile. And Nephthys is the master of the house. And the Lady of Heaven noted.
The woman, her position and role in ancient Egypt.
November 18, 2021
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