Royal Cartouches of Abydos Temple Ballina Sohag Egypt
To the right of the second half, there is a fourth hall dedicated to Memphis.
There is a long corridor 25 meters long, and to the left of the corridor, there is a small hall with three columns dedicated to Ptah – Trinity Sugar – Sekhmet – Nefertum.
This tall hall was originally intended to be smashed.
On the wall to the right of the corridor is the famous Royal List of Abydos.
It consists of three rows; each row has 38 cartouches
The upper two rows contain the names of kings, while the third row is merely a repetition of the name of King Seti I.
The first row of King Narmer / Mina and Kings of the Old Kingdom begins with King City.
This list excludes many kings including Queen Hatshepsut (1478-1458), Akhenaten, 1352-1338), Semenkhkarê (or Samenkh ka Ra, 1338-1336), Tutankhamun (1336-1327) and Ay (1327-1323).